I am writing this blog to share my experience when i was asked to apply a patch which was written by some other person. When we applying patches, sometimes we may get some errors in the patch command. This blog post will help you to understand the format of the patch file and from that you can identify the reasons which caused your patch to fail and enable you to apply patch manually if required. Patch or diff files are just text files, so you can look at them with less or a text editor. If you prefer to use a terminal, colordiff (in the colordiff package) provides syntax highlighting. If the patch is long, you may want to use less to look at it. You need the -R option for less, or else the colors won’t show. I also always use -S, which will enable horizontal scrolling in less instead of wrapping long lines. The whole command to view a patch with syntax highlighting through less in a terminal is: ~$ cat file.patch | colordiff | less -RS Patch formats Each patch file comes in...
Sharing the things which I learned about Enterprise Integration.