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Showing posts from August, 2013

WSO2 ESB Cheat Sheet

WSO2 ESB is a lean but powerful mediation engine that would help you to run your businesses in the best shape. With this blog post I am going to point you to the best resources that you could find in the internet for learning about WSO2 ESB. Getting started with WSO2 ESB Here is a video tutorial about getting started with WSO2 ESB done by Kasun Indrasiri. Here is an article written by Kasun Indrasiri about using WSO2 ESB in a real world scenario Learn more about WSO2 ESB and its features Here is a set of blog posts written by Hiranya Jayathilake about ESB tips and tricks. http://techfeast-hiranya...

Learning Apache Axis2 from level zero - Part II

Today I am going to discuss about what happens to a message come in to an axis2 engine. Here is a pictorial representation of what is happening inside an axis2 engine. The key functionality of any given web service framework is processing an incoming message and delivering it to the targeted application (service), and once the result is produced, delivering it to the client. Today, for business critical applications, we need a lot more than just processing the messages. Thus, support, for example reliability, security, transactions, and throttling is required. In addition, a framework should also be easily extensible to support new customer requirements and other quality services. To provide those features, most of the SOAP processing frameworks utilize the concept of pipes, where any incoming or outgoing message goes through the pipe and the extensible pipe is divided into small pieces. Such a piece is known as an interceptor. One can add new interceptors, change them, or delete ...

Google Spreadsheet API Connecting with OAuth2 JAVA Example

What is OAuth2 and things you should know before writing your source code? OAuth, is an open protocol that aims to standardize the way desktop and web applications access a user's private data. OAuth provides a means of performing API authentication in a standard and secure fashion. As programmers, we're taught to reuse code wherever possible. OAuth will help developers reduce the amount of duplicate code they write and make it easier to create tools that work with multiple services from a variety of different providers. Here are the terms we are using in the OAuth world. OAuth dance - Unofficial term to describe the full OAuth authentication/authorization process. (OAuth) Request token - An initial token that lets Google know your application is requesting access to one of the Google Data APIs. The second step of the OAuth dance is for the user to manually grant access to their data. If this step is successful, the request token becomes authorized. (OAuth)...

10 Minute tutorial for extending the WSO2 ESB

WSO2 ESB is a smart, light-weight enterprise integration engine which you can use to accomplish most of your enterprise level integration scenarios. You can have a good understanding on the usage of the WSO2 ESB from this tutorial. Here I am going to discuss about extending the basic functionality of the WSO2 ESB by interfering the messages received from  the ESB. What is a Custom Mediator? Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is basically a message mediation engine in which messages are received from different applications and then processed and route them to another application or server. WSO2 ESB provides a rich set of functions for achieving the message mediation requirements a specific enterprise might encounter. But as in other aspects of the life, there can be exceptions. Sometimes you may need to extend the functionality of the ESB to your specific requirement. Custom mediator is a simple Java code we write for this purpose. How to write a Custom Mediator? First you need...