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Showing posts from June, 2014

How to log Garbage Collector (GC) information with WSO2 products

WSO2 products are well known for their performance (WSO2 ESB is the worlds fastest open source ESB). You can even fine tune the performance of WSO2 ESB with the help of the following documentation. Sometimes when you are developing your enterprise system with WSO2 products, you may need to write several custom code which can be used as extensions to the existing WSO2 products. As an example, you may write a class mediator to transform your message. In these kind of scenarios, you may need to tune up the WSO2 server further. In such a scenario, we can use the JVM level parameters to optimize the WSO2 server. WSO2 servers are running on top of the JVM and we can use Java Garbage Collector (GC) to tune up the memory usage. Most of the JVM related parameters are included in the startup script file resides in CARBON_HOME\bin\ location. If you need to print the GC level parameters from the WSO2 server log file for ...

How to use WSO2 Carbon Admin services to assign permissions to user goups

This is the way of setting permissions for a role using a “carbon admin service”. Basically, this is an http post request. The endpoint is :  https://localhost:9445/services/UserAdmin.UserAdminHttpsSoap11Endpoint Replace localhost and port according management console information That should be like <esb host name>:<management console https port> Request Payload : <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=” ” xmlns:xsd=” http://org.apache.axis2/xsd “>    <soapenv:Header/>    <soapenv:Body>       <xsd:setRoleUIPermission>          <!–Optional:–>          <xsd:roleName>cg_publisher</xsd:roleName>          <!–Zero or more repetitions:–>          <xsd:rawResources>/perm...

Understanding the database scripts of WSO2 products

WSO2 Carbon based products require some databases to be created for operation. Every WSO2 product comes with a folder named dbscripts (CARBON_HOME/dbscripts) and that folder contains database scripts for different types of databases. These scripts creates 3 set of tables by default. 1) Registry tables -These are related to registry artifacts of the WSO2 product.  2) User management tables – These tables are related to user management of the server. All the user permissions and roles related information will be saved in these tables. By default these are created in internal H2 database. ( We can create a separate database schema for this if we want) 3) User Store tables – These tables are related to creating actual users which are create in the server. These tables will not be used if we have pointed to external LDAP user store. From the above 3 set of tables, we will only need to focus on user management tables since we have created other tables in external LDAP and data...