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Showing posts from November, 2014

How to configure timeouts in WSO2 ESB to get rid of client timeout errors

WSO2 ESB has defined some configuration parameters which controls the timeout of a particular request which is going out of ESB. In a particular  scneario, your client sends a request to ESB, and then ESB sends a request to another endpoint to serve the request. CLIENT->WSO2 ESB->BACKEND The reason for clients getting timeout is that ESB timeout is larger than client's timeout. This can be solved by either increasing the timeout at client side or by decreasing the timeout in ESB side. In any of the case, you can control the timeout in ESB using the below properties. 1) Global timeout defined in (ESB_HOME\repository\conf\) file. This will decide the maximum time that a callback is waiting in the ESB for a response for a particular request. If ESB does not get any response from Back End, it will drop the message and clears out the call back. This is a global level parameter which affects all the endpoints configured in ESB. synapse.global_timeout_inte...