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Showing posts from 2016

WSO2 ESB 5.0.0 Beta Released

WSO2 team is happy to announce the beta release of the latest WSO2 ESB 5.0.0. This version of the ESB has major improvements to the usability aspects of the ESB in real production deployments as well as development environments. Here are the main features of the ESB 5.0.0 version. Mediation debugger  provides the capability to debug mediation flows from WSO2 developer studio tooling platform. It allows the users to view/edit/delete properties and the payload of the messages passing through each and every mediator. You can find more information about this feature at below post. How to Debug WSO2 ESB Mediation Flow INTRODUCTION WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus is a lightweight, high performance, and comprehensive ESB. 100% open sourceā€¦ Data mapper  is the most awaited data transformation tool for WSO2 ESB. It allows users to load input/output message formats through xml files, json schemas or create them from the data mapper user interfa...

WSO2 ESB Passthrough Transport in a nutshell

If you have ever used WSO2 ESB, you might already know that it is one of the highest performing open source ESB solutions in the integration space. The secret behind itā€™s performance is the so-called Pass Through Transport (PTT) implementation which handles the HTTP requests. If you are interested in learning about PTT from scratch, you can refer the fololwing article series written by Kasun Indrasiri. Demystifying WSO2 ESB Pass-Through Transport - Part I Demystifying WSO2 ESB Pass-Through Transport - Part II Demystifying WSO2 ESB Pass-Through Transport - Part III If you read through the above mentioned posts, you can get a good understanding about the concepts and the implementation. But one thing which is harder to do is remember all the diagrams in your memory. It is not impossible, but little bit harder for a person with average brain. I have tried to draw a picture to capture all the required information related to the PTT. Here is my drawing on WSO2 ESB PTT. ...

Comparison of asynchronous messaging technologies with JMS, AMQP and MQTT

Messaging has been the fundamental communication mechanism which has been succeeded all over the world. Either it is human to human, machine to human or machine to machine, messaging has been the single common method of communication. There are 2 fundamental mechanisms we used to exchange messages between 2(or more)parties. Synchronous messaging Asynchronous messaging Synchronous messaging is used when the message sender expects a response to the message within a specified time period and waiting for that response to carry out his next task. Basically he ā€œblocksā€ until he receives the response. Asynchronous messaging means that sender does not expect an immediate response and does not ā€œblocksā€ waiting for the response. There can be a response or not, but the sender will carry out his remaining tasks. Out of the above mentioned technologies, Asynchronous messaging has been the widely used mechanism when it comes to machine to machine communication where 2 compute...

Building Integration Solutions : A Rethink

History of Enterprise Integration The history of enterprise integration goes back to early computer era where we had computers only in large enterprises. The early requirements came from the concept of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) where it requires a system to plan and control production and material flows. With the growth of the businesses and the interactions among different 3rd party organizations, MRP has been evolved into an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems where they are responsible for much more functionalities to bridge the different departments of the enterprise like accounting, finance, engineering, product management and many more. Proprietary ERP solutions were dealing with so many complex use cases and failed really big in some cases. With these lessons, people realized that there should be a better to way to build the enterprise IT infrastructure beyond the ERP systems. Integration and SOA Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) comes into the...

Microservices, Integration and building your digital enterprise

It's time to rethink about your enterprise IT eco system. Technology space is going through a period of major revamp and whether you accept it or not, it is changing the way people do business. You may be a software architect of a multi billion enterprise or the only software engineer of a small startup organization which is trying to figure their way out in the business world. It is essential to know about the direction of the technology space and make your moves accordingly. At the 33000 feet, enterprises throughout the world are moving (most of them are already moved) towards digital technology. You may have already brought several third party systems in to your IT eco system and they are functioning well within your requirements. All is running well and your organization is profitable.  All is well. Why bother about these hypes? Let me tell you one thing. The world of business is moving so fast that a billion dollar company today will become an organization with a debt on t...