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Installing puppet on red hat linux based system

Installing puppet on red hat linux based system

This blog post will guide you through installing puppet as a master/agent configuration in a RedHat Linux based systems. This is nothing other than collecting the important information mentioned in the puppetlabs web site. What I have done is collecting pieces of information which is scettered through the puppet web site with adding my own experiences which I have gathered during setting up on my environment.

1. Choose a Package Source

Puppet Labs provides an official package repo at It contains up-to-date packages, and can install Puppet and its prerequisites without requiring any other external repositories.
This information applies to RHEL itself, as well as any distributions that maintain binary compatibility with it, including but not limited to CentOS, Scientific Linux, Oracle Linux, and Ascendos.
Enabling this repository will let you install Puppet without requiring any other external repositories like EPEL.
To enable the repository, run the command below that corresponds to your OS version and architecture:
Enterprise Linux 5


Enterprise Linux 6


2. Install the Puppet Master
On your puppet master node, run
sudo yum install puppet-server.
This will install Puppet and an init script (/etc/init.d/puppetmaster) for running a test-quality puppet master server.

3. Install Puppet on Agent Nodes
On your other nodes, run
sudo yum install puppet.
This will install Puppet and an init script (/etc/init.d/puppet) for running the puppet agent daemon.

4. Configure Puppet
Puppet’s main configuration file is found at /etc/puppet/puppet.conf.
Most users should specify the following settings:

On Agent Nodes
Settings for agent nodes should go in the [agent] or [main] block of puppet.conf.
server: The hostname of your puppet master server. Defaults to puppet.
report: Most users should set this to true.
pluginsync: Most users should set this to true.
certname: The sitewide unique identifier for this node. Defaults to the node’s fully qualified domain name, which is usually fine.

On Puppet Masters
Settings for puppet master servers should go in the [master] or [main] block of puppet.conf.
Note: puppet masters are usually also agent nodes; settings in [main] will be available to both services, and settings in the [master] and [agent] blocks will override the settings in [main].
dns_alt_names: A list of valid hostnames for the master, which will be embedded in its certificate. Defaults to the puppet master’s certname and puppet, which is usually fine. If you are using a non-default setting, set it before starting the puppet master for the first time.

5. Start and Enable the Puppet Services
Some packages do not automatically start the puppet services after installing the software. You may need to start them manually in order to use Puppet.
With Init Scripts / Service Configs
Most packages create init scripts or service configuration files called puppet and puppetmaster, which run the puppet agent and puppet master services.
You can start and permanently enable these services using Puppet:
$ sudo puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true
$ sudo puppet resource service puppetmaster ensure=running enable=true

Note: If you have configured puppet master to use a production web server, do not use the default init script; instead, start and stop the web server that is managing the puppet master service.

With Cron
Standalone deployments do not use services with init scripts; instead, they require a cron task to regularly run puppet apply on a main manifest (usually the same /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp manifest that puppet master uses). You can create this cron job with Puppet:
$ sudo puppet resource cron puppet-apply ensure=present user=root minute=30 command='/usr/bin/puppet apply $(puppet --configprint manifest)'
In an agent/master deployment, you may wish to run puppet agent with cron rather than its init script; this can sometimes perform better and use less memory. You can create this cron job with Puppet:
$ sudo puppet resource cron puppet-agent ensure=present user=root minute=30 command='/usr/bin/puppet agent --onetime --no-daemonize --splay'

6. Sign Node Certificates
In an agent/master deployment, an admin must approve a certificate request for each agent node before that node can fetch configurations. Agent nodes will request certificates the first time they attempt to run.
It’s usually best to start with your first client being Puppetmaster server itself. However, since the Puppetmaster will be talking to itself, that client will already have a certificate, so no signing will be necessary to establish trust between the Puppetmaster server and itself. In this example, we’ll configure a client that isn’t the Puppetmaster server so we can demonstrate how to establish cryptographic trust between the Puppetmaster server and its new clients:
First, start puppet agent on the client in verbose mode:
client% sudo puppet agent --verbose
You should see a message about not receiving a certificate, and on the server you should get a message about a request waiting for you. On the server, we’ll list the certificates waiting for signatures:
master% sudo puppet cert --list
You should see our client’s name listed, so we can give the Puppetmaster the command to sign its certificate (thus creating a trust relationship that client):
master% sudo puppet cert --sign <client>

Periodically log into the puppet master server and run sudo puppet cert list to view outstanding requests.

sudo puppet cert sign <NAME> to sign a request, or
sudo puppet cert sign --all to sign all pending requests.

An agent node whose request has been signed on the master will run normally on its next attempt.


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