Today I am going to give you something about eclipse shortcuts. Here are the list of shortcuts which will make your life easier when developing your web services or any kind of programme using Eclipse.
Eclipse Shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + R - open any file
Ctrl + Shift + T - open any type
Ctrl + Shift + O - organize imports
Ctrl + Shift + F - formats code
Ctrl + Shift + L - show a list of shortcuts defined
Ctrl + Alt + H - open call hierachy
Alt + Shft + R - refactor
Ctrl + O - go to any method within a class. Show a list of methods.
Ctrl + L - go to line number
Ctrl + Q - go to the last edit location
Ctrl + T - go to a type (superclass, interface) from a class file
Ctrl + E - go to other open editors
Ctrl + 1 - show the quick fixes
Ctrl + F6 - move between editors (opened files)
Ctrl + F7 - move between views
Ctrl + F11 - runs the application
Ctrl + I - correct indentation
Ctrl + J - search and move the cursor to the first occurance
F4 - open type hierarchy
F3 - open declaration
Alt + Arrow - go to last edit (forward/backward)
Eclipse Shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + R - open any file
Ctrl + Shift + T - open any type
Ctrl + Shift + O - organize imports
Ctrl + Shift + F - formats code
Ctrl + Shift + L - show a list of shortcuts defined
Ctrl + Alt + H - open call hierachy
Alt + Shft + R - refactor
Ctrl + O - go to any method within a class. Show a list of methods.
Ctrl + L - go to line number
Ctrl + Q - go to the last edit location
Ctrl + T - go to a type (superclass, interface) from a class file
Ctrl + E - go to other open editors
Ctrl + 1 - show the quick fixes
Ctrl + F6 - move between editors (opened files)
Ctrl + F7 - move between views
Ctrl + F11 - runs the application
Ctrl + I - correct indentation
Ctrl + J - search and move the cursor to the first occurance
F4 - open type hierarchy
F3 - open declaration
Alt + Arrow - go to last edit (forward/backward)
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