WSO2 ESB is a lean, enterprise ready mediation engine which is built on top of the award winning WSO2 Carbon platform. Under the hood, WSO2 ESB uses the Apache Synapse open source ESB. This blog post is a quick reference to the users who are using WSO2 ESB for various enterprise integration scenarios. Main goal of writing this post is to give users a place to find all the required configurations quickly without reading much documentation.
You can download from official WSO2 web site here. Once you download the ESB, you can extract the archive(zip) to your preferred location. Let's take the extracted location as ESB_HOME. You can start the WSO2 ESB with the following command from inside the bin directory (ESB_HOME/bin).
sh (wso2server.bat in Windows)
ESB_HOME/bin - includes the scripts which can be used to start the WSO2 ESB as a standalone server or as a sample execution server. This also includes a script to start tcpmon which is a monitoring application which can be used to capture various messages flowing from and to ESB.
ESB_HOME/repository/conf - includes the configuration files which can be used to configure ESB for various requirements.
carbon.xml - contains the basic configurations which are used for configuring WSO2 ESB related parameters
axis2/axis2.xml - contains the basic configurations which are used for configuring axis2 server related parameters
ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Server - contains a sample axis2 server which is used to execute samples which are described in the documentation for understanding the capabilities of the ESB.
ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Client - contains a sample axis2 client which is used to execute samples which are described in the documentation for understanding the capabilities of the ESB.
ESB_HOME/repository/components/lib - this directory is used to place custom or 3rd party libraries which are used in extending the capabilities of WSO2 ESB. (Ex: Custom mediator, MB integration)
ESB_HOME/repository/components/dropins - this directory is used to place custom or 3rd party libraries which are built as OSGI bundles for extending the capabilities of WSO2 ESB (Ex: Custom mediator)
ESB_HOME/repository/components/plugins - contains the libraries which are necessary to run the WSO2 ESB. Most of the implementation libraries are stored in this directory.
ESB_HOME/repository/components/patches - this directory is used to place all the official patches provided by WSO2 to fix or improve the WSO2 ESB. It contains directories which are names as patchXXXX and these folders need to be properly numbered when applying patches at different stages of your deployment.
This option can be used to apply the given patches in to WSO2 ESB
Clean the Registry and other configuration, recreate DB, re-populate the configuration, and start Carbon.
--debug [port]
This option can be used to start WSO2 ESB with the debug mode.
Start Carbon with Equinox OSGi console. If the optional 'port' parameter is provided, a telnet port will be opened.
Define the path to keep Log files.
The version of the product you are running.
1. Download and start WSO2 ESB
You can download from official WSO2 web site here. Once you download the ESB, you can extract the archive(zip) to your preferred location. Let's take the extracted location as ESB_HOME. You can start the WSO2 ESB with the following command from inside the bin directory (ESB_HOME/bin).
sh (wso2server.bat in Windows)
2. Important folders you need to know from the ESB_HOME directory.
ESB_HOME/bin - includes the scripts which can be used to start the WSO2 ESB as a standalone server or as a sample execution server. This also includes a script to start tcpmon which is a monitoring application which can be used to capture various messages flowing from and to ESB.
ESB_HOME/repository/conf - includes the configuration files which can be used to configure ESB for various requirements.
carbon.xml - contains the basic configurations which are used for configuring WSO2 ESB related parameters
axis2/axis2.xml - contains the basic configurations which are used for configuring axis2 server related parameters
ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Server - contains a sample axis2 server which is used to execute samples which are described in the documentation for understanding the capabilities of the ESB.
ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Client - contains a sample axis2 client which is used to execute samples which are described in the documentation for understanding the capabilities of the ESB.
ESB_HOME/repository/components/lib - this directory is used to place custom or 3rd party libraries which are used in extending the capabilities of WSO2 ESB. (Ex: Custom mediator, MB integration)
ESB_HOME/repository/components/dropins - this directory is used to place custom or 3rd party libraries which are built as OSGI bundles for extending the capabilities of WSO2 ESB (Ex: Custom mediator)
ESB_HOME/repository/components/plugins - contains the libraries which are necessary to run the WSO2 ESB. Most of the implementation libraries are stored in this directory.
ESB_HOME/repository/components/patches - this directory is used to place all the official patches provided by WSO2 to fix or improve the WSO2 ESB. It contains directories which are names as patchXXXX and these folders need to be properly numbered when applying patches at different stages of your deployment.
3. Important command options you need to know when starting the WSO2 ESB
This option can be used to apply the given patches in to WSO2 ESB
Clean the Registry and other configuration, recreate DB, re-populate the configuration, and start Carbon.
--debug [port]
This option can be used to start WSO2 ESB with the debug mode.
Start Carbon with Equinox OSGi console. If the optional 'port' parameter is provided, a telnet port will be opened.
Define the path to keep Log files.
The version of the product you are running.
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